%0 Journal Article %T English Translations of Ribanje i Ribarsko prigovaranje %A Grgi£¿ %A Kristina %J - %D 2019 %X Sa£¿etak The four hundred and fiftieth anniversary of Hektorovi£¿¡¯s Ribanje i ribarsko prigovaranje is an appropriate occasion not only for confirmation of its canonical importance in Croatian literary culture but also for consideration of the extent to which, and the manner in which, this value is recognised internationally. From this point of view, special attention should go to translations into foreign languages, particularly into English, today one of the leading media of international literary communication. According to available information, currently accessible are two integral translations of Hektorovi£¿¡¯s text: that of the Anglo-American teacher and translator Gertrud Graubart Champe (who rendered the title as Fishing and Fishermen¡¯s Talk, 1974) and that of the distinguished British Slavonic studies expert and translator Edward Dennis Goy (Fishing and Fishermen¡¯s Conversation, 1979, alternately, in 1997, Fishing and Fishermen¡¯s Conversations). Then there are translations of selected fragments of the poem published in two recent bilingual anthologies of Croatian literature (both from 2015): The Glory and Fame: Croatian Renaissance Reader / Dike ter hvaljen¡¯ja: Hrvatska renesansna £¿itanka (translated by Katia Grubisic as Fishing and Fishermen¡¯s Conversation or Fishing and Fishermen¡¯s Dialogue in an earlier edition, of 2004-2005) as well as in the anthology The Canon of Croatian Poetry, 1450-2000 of Ivo and Vinka £¿oljan (Fishing and Fishermen¡¯s Conversation). Apart from that there are freestanding translations of the interpolated oral poems, the bugar£¿tica Prince Marko and His Brother Andrija£¿, translated by Thomas Butler (in the anthology Monumenta Serbocroatica, 1980) and Vladimir Bubrin (a revised version in The Glory and Fame anthology) and the po£¿asnice (versified compliments) from The First Day translated by Antun Bonifa£¿i£¿ (The Anthology of Croat Verse 1450-1950, 1981). The translations of Hektorovi£¿¡¯s poem put forward four different interpretations, both in conveying the text itself and in the accompanying explanations, which are more extensive in the case of the integral translations. In his comments, Goy places the emphasis on the realistic characteristics of Fishing, and specifies the genre as £¿a short novel in verse£¿, while Champe sees the fundamental key to the interpretation of Fishing in the mode of pastoral and the genre of the pastoral epistle, which opens up the possibility of meta-textual allegoresis. Each translator has chosen a different form for his or her translation. Goy uses blank verse, the form that has a status in %K Petar Hektorovi£¿ %K Ribanje i ribarsko prigovaranje %K translations %K versification %K English language %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=320668