%0 Journal Article %T The Charismatic Movement: Identity, Sources and Premises of action %A Seletkovi£¿ %A Ivan %A Vranje£¿ %A Nikola %J - %D 2019 %X Sa£¿etak The Catholic Charismatic Movement or the Movement of Renewal in the Holy Spirit is a highly developed and popular form of gathering for the common realization of certain segments of the spiritual life, especially among young believers. In the last decades, the Catholic Church has often reflected about this form of gathering and action, and has also corrected and offered guidelines for its manifestations and its way of doing things. Today, this movement is generally accepted and supported. But, like any other form of gathering with the purpose of spiritual and religious growth and progress of persons and communities, this form is not spared of various dangers and anomalies. It is therefore of utmost importance for pastoral action to determine and identify, in theological-pastoral discernment, the properties and sources of this movement today. This is precisely the aim of this paper. These properties and sources are examined on the basis of historical designations, and especially on the basis of the instructions of the Magisterium of the Church. In addition, the examination is enriched with theological contributions of some prominent theologians %K Catholic Charismatic Movement %K Catholic church %K Pastoral Ministry %K Charisma %K Community %K Parish %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=342770