%0 Journal Article %T THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF TEACHING METHODS FROM THE FACULTY OF FINE AND APPLIED ARTS %A Gavri£¿ %A Goran %J - %D 2015 %R 10.32728/mo.10.1.2015.02 %X Sa£¿etak In this paper, we try to at least partially answer the question of how Art Academies, namely the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, continuously improve teaching using well- prepared plan which identifies appropriate teaching methods. The specificity of lectures and exercises in these schools is reflected in theoretical and practical actions of their professors whose initial idea is to solve problems on the spot, therefore, during the process of making art. In that regard, it is very difficult to prepare in advance a lecture that will be fully realized according to the outlined plan. However, developing and constantly upgrading teaching methods after each lecture and exercise may aid in further research and improvement of methods of teaching at the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts. The aim of this paper is to provide some basic methods that are directly related to the interactive effect between professors and students. At the same time, these methods provide an opportunity to further develop teaching methods and the formation of the methodological framework of lectures and exercises. The result of this research is one of the possible methodological structures that in conjunction with here proposed teaching aids can be further developed and upgraded, all for the purpose of continuous improvement of teaching at the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts %K teaching methods %K interactive methods %K theory %K practice %K teaching aids %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=218781