%0 Journal Article %T Migration Policies of the EU and Australia: Similarities and Differences Abstract %A Cesarec %A Ivana %A Jaji£¿ %A Kajo %A Mikac %A Robert %J - %D 2016 %X Sa£¿etak Migration is a phenomenon present throughout human history, as a need and a necessity. There are numerous push and pull factors which cause it. Modern mass migration is mostly marked as ¡°relocating people who in combination with escape from war, dysfunctional management systems, climate change and poverty try to reach safer and economically developed countries¡±. Although most of the current world population of migrants is located in countries of Asia and Africa, the greatest attention was paid to cases where small groups are trying to reach the European Union countries, Australia or the USA. Though in-migration is a necessity in these countries, they are not ready for large inflows of migrants and they want this process to unwind during a longer period of time. For this purpose, they develop a number of policies, measures and mechanisms, which are also the subject of analysis in this paper. This research is especially focused on the context of creation and comparison of the migration policy and procedures of the European Union and Australia, their similarities and differences %K migration policy %K migrants %K European Union %K Australia %K measures %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=276942