%0 Journal Article %T How to build an Encyclopedia for the 21st Century: Lessons learned from The Great Norwegian Encyclopedia %A Bolstad %A Erik %A Pettersen %A Stig Arild %J - %D 2019 %R 10.33604/sl.13.24.5 %X Sa£¿etak After more than 100 years of existence, Norway¡¯s Great Norwegian Encyclopedia went through a major crisis between 2010 and 2014, as the transformation to the new, digital reality became commercially unviable to the publishing house that owned it. The country¡¯s universities came together, formed The Great Norwegian Encyclopedia Association, and created a new editorial team, which has transformed the encyclopedia into an online success with high-quality articles assessed and updated by some of Norway¡¯s leading scholars. The partnership with academia, a purpose-made publishing software, a decentralized production model, and confidence in the original brand have been keys to building this public service encyclopedia that other, likeminded institutions across Europe can learn from %K Great Norwegian Encyclopedia %K online encyclopedia %K academic partnership %K academic transparency %U https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_clanak_jezik=329427