%0 Journal Article %T Novel Green-Chemistry Micro-Fluidic Synthesis of Anthracene-Based Microporous for H2 Storage by Capillary-Furnace LED Based Reactor %A Fadi Ibrahim %J - %D 2017 %X Microfluidic controlled multistep thermal-polymerization by Capillary-Furnace under LED irradiation (TPCFL) synthesis procedures used as a novel way for synthesis of series of anthracene-based microporous polymers (AMPs) in terms of improved product control, reproducibility and automation. The majority of microfluidic research to date has involved single-phase flow reactors, in which miscible reagent streams are continuously injected into channels where they react to form the final product. Droplet-based flow reactors have proven to be of particular value for the controlled synthesis of functional materials whose properties are strongly influenced by the reaction conditions. Microparticles materials were prepared through thermal-polymerization by capillary-furnace LED polymerization (TPCFL) method. Two-phase flow reactors that generation of the fluid segments and PTFE mixers (200 cm length, 1 mm I.D.) was used in continuousmicroflow systems to control adding micro amounts of reagent to a flowing stream of droplets. By using a gas phase to maintain an even droplet spacing, simple Tjunctions was used to repeatedly inject new reagent into the droplets at up to double the volume of the existing droplets. The outlined procedure therefore provides a simple means of implementing multistep chemical reactions in droplets, on which the size range of few microns to hundreds of micrometers with an extremely narrow size distribution. %K Green chemistry %K Capillary %K Anthracene %K Microporous %K Anthracene-Based Microporous Polymers (AMP) %K Microfluidic synthesis %K list of open access journals %K open access %K open access journals %K open access publication %K open access publisher %K open access publishing %K open access journal articles %K imedpub %K imedpub publishing %K insight medical publishing %K imedpub online %U https://www.imedpub.com/articles/novel-greenchemistry-microfluidic-synthesis-of-anthracenebased-microporous-for-h2-storage-by-capillaryfurnace-led-based-reactor.php?aid=20386