%0 Journal Article %T Good University Governance, Is It Necessary? %A Rhini Fatma Sari %J Asian Journal of Education and e-Learning %D 2017 %X Good Corporate Governance (GCG) is one of an idea initiated to develop the quality of Higher Education in the future. Although GCG was originally applied to the implementation of corporate governance practices of public companies, but in the context of Economic Education, higher education can be regarded as one of the places for human resource investment. National Committee on Corporate Governance (KNKCG) in 2001 issued five basic principles of good corporate governance, including 1) Transparency; 2) Accountability; 3) Responsibility; 4) independency; and 5) Fairness. The most important principle that must be maintained in the application of good university governance is the awareness towards the goal of higher education£¿£¿ as an educational institution. Therefore, it can be ascertained whether£¿ the university has implemented a good university governance by the extent to which universities are able to address the dynamics that occur in its implementation without betraying the noble values of education and adopting the mandate of the people, nations and countries that shelter the %K [GCG %K Good University Governance %K higher educations] %U https://www.ajouronline.com/index.php/AJEEL/article/view/4764