%0 Journal Article %T Obsidian Sourcing and Characterization in the Celebes Region: An Initial Interpretation on the ˇ°Celebes Seafaring Peopleˇ± %A Leee Anthony M. Neri %J - %D 2019 %R https://doi.org/10.1515/opar-2019-0012 %X The peopling of Island Southeast Asia is told through the Austronesian migration theory. During the Neolithic Period (ca. 6000¨C5000 BP), the Austronesians entered the Philippines altering the cultural landscape and heralding the beginning of the Neolithic. The Austronesian people continued expanding through Island Southeast Asia, the Pacific, and as far as Madagascar. It is the most influential multiregional archaeological theory in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Region. Although archaeologists, as a whole, generally support this theory, the operations governing the Austronesian migration is still subject to intense debate. Theories suggest that migration is not as straightforward as commonly presented. In spite of their movement towards the Pacific, some Austronesian population stayed in the Celebes area and may have developed a close-knit exchange system with their neighbors powered by sophisticated ancient maritime technology and shared cultural affiliations. This paper calls this maritime network as the ˇ°Celebes Seafaring People.ˇ± The ˇ°Celebes Seafaring Peopleˇ± hypothesis is the first study to focus on a smaller aspect of a much larger theory, allowing a clearer perspective on the early cultures of this Region. Currently, the hypothesis encompasses three island groups: Northern Mindanao, Philippines; Sabah, Malaysia; and Talaud Islands, Indonesia. This is an initial interpretation of the ˇ°Celebes Seafaring Peopleˇ± hypothesis through geochemical analysis of obsidian found in the island groups in the Celebes Region. These group of people may have a complex maritime exchange network and share the same cultural affiliation during the Neolithic Period. Further investigation must done to substantiate such theoretical interpretation %U https://www.degruyter.com/view/journals/opar/5/1/article-p167.xml