%0 Journal Article %T Analysis of the existing condition and a suggestion for obesity prevention in early school-age children %A Biljana Trajkovski %A Ivana Jurjevi£¿ Jovanovi£¿ %A Petra Mi£¿ £¿ak %J Economic Research-Ekonomska Istra£¿ivanja %D 2020 %R https://doi.org/10.1080/1331677X.2019.1710231 %X Abstract Due to the importance of the role of this topic in the lives of children, but also adults, this paper tackles numerous studies that have explored the same issue. The research findings were analyzed with regards to the examined morphological characteristics (body height, body mass, body mass index, skin folds, body fat content) and activities of younger children in the city of Rijeka. The research was conducted in the Elementary School ¡®Pehlin¡¯ and the Elementary School ¡®Kozala¡¯ on a sample of 245 pupils enrolled in the lower four grades. It was found that younger school children in Rijeka have a moderate body mass, but the percentage of body fat in boys and girls suggests increased caution. A comparison between boys and girls in terms of the morphological characteristics resulted in no statistical differences. It has also been confirmed that children engaged in sports activities show better morphological characteristics, lower body mass as well as a lower body mass index, skin folds, and body fat than children who do not play sports. After the established condition, a preventive kinesiological program was proposed as well as advice that should be followed regarding the diet and the manner in which children spend their leisure time %U https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1331677X.2019.1710231