%0 Journal Article %T Oral Manifestations of Multiple Myeloma Case Report %A Amal H. Abuaffan %A Ghaida S. Elkhatim %A Nourelhuda Alim %J - %D 2017 %R 10.21767/2576-392X.100009 %X Sudanese female 68 years old with a history of a back cancer of unknown origin. She complained of painful swelling in the posterior border of the mandible, confirmed diagnosis by incisional biopsy was multiple myeloma. After chemotherapy impressive improvement was observed. The present case was diagnosed with multiple myeloma based on the oral findings %K Nourelhuda Alim %K Yousif I. Eltohami %K Amal H. Abuaffan and Ghaida S. Elkhatim %U https://www.imedpub.com/abstract/oral-manifestations-of-multiple-myeloma-case-report-19351.html