%0 Journal Article %T Effects on Ecosystems Exploited Reservoirs in the Saratov Region %A Abdrazakov FK %A Nosenko AV %A Pomorova AV %A Tkachev AA %J - %D 2018 %X In the framework of environmental toxicology examines the effects of anthropogenic impact on water ecosystems, in particular the Saratov region. In the Saratov region, there are large numbers of small reservoirs and ponds (artificial reservoirs) built for water supply to the population and irrigation of cultivated crops. In the creation of which a ravine-beam network of the territory is used. Directly in the eastern regions of the region only these artificial reservoirs are practically a non-alternative source of water supply. According to the Saratov department of the FGBNU GosNIORKh, industrial use of reservoirs in the Saratov Volga region is characterized by unevenness. In particular, intensive development of the reservoirs of the Trans-Volga region can be traced in the period from 2000 to 2011. The practice of pond fish farming in the Saratov region is realized through a fullsystem and incomplete economic systems, the formation of which is the amount of investment. The planned indicators of investment attractiveness in relation to the object of research ¨C farming, including three ponds in the city of Saratov (waters of unpc "agrocenter") are calculated. The main morphometric and hydrological characteristics of the ponds of the object of study are determined by mapping, further refined by field measurements and depth measurements. The calculations confirm the confirmation of the effectiveness of the development of paid recreational fish farming (carp, trout) within the object of study. %K Artificial reservoirs %K Small reservoirs %K Pond %K Recreation %K Water management complex %K Industrial fishery %K Species biodiversity %K Investment attractiveness %K list of open access journals %K open access %K open access journals %K open access publication %K open access publisher %K open access publishing %K open access journal articles %K imedpub %K imedpub publishing %K insight medical publishing %K imedpub online %U https://www.imedpub.com/articles/effects-on-ecosystems-exploited-reservoirs-in-the-saratov-region.php?aid=22510