%0 Journal Article %T Treatment of Breast Cancer Brain Metastases through a Targeted Nanomolecule Drug Delivery System Based on Dopamine Functionalized Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) Coated with Nano Graphene Oxide (GO) and Protonated Polyaniline (PANI) in situ During the Polymerization of Aniline Autogenic Nanoparticles for the Delivery of Anti-Cancer Nano Drugs under Synchrotron Radiation %A Alireza Heidari %J - %D 2017 %R 10.21767/2394-3718.100016 %K list of open access journals %K open access %K open access journals %K open access publication %K open access publisher %K open access publishing %K open access journal articles %K imedpub %K imedpub publishing %K insight medical publishing %K imedpub online %U https://www.imedpub.com/articles/treatment-of-breast-cancer-brain-metastases-through-a-targeted-nanomoleculedrug-delivery-system-based-on-dopamine-functionalized-m.php?aid=19806