%0 Journal Article %T Second Order Tensor Wave Equation for Neutrino %A Sylvestre Bulikunzira %J Asian Journal of Fuzzy and Applied Mathematics %D 2015 %X In previous works, with the use of Cartan map, Weyl's equation for neutrino has been written in tensor form, in the form of non-linear Maxwell's like equations, through isotropic complex vector F=E+iH. It has been proved, that complex vector F=E+iH satisfies non-linear condition F.F=0, equivalent to two conditions for real quantities E.E-H.H=0 and E.H=0, obtained by equating to zero separately real and imaginary parts in the equality F.F=0. It has been proved, that the vectors E and H have the same properties as those of the strengths of electric and magnetic fields.In this work, in order to investigate and to understand these neutrino waves, we derived the corresponding second order wave equations %K [Second order %K tensor %K wave equation %K neutrinos.] %U https://www.ajouronline.com/index.php/AJFAM/article/view/2351