%0 Journal Article %T Solution of Dirac Equation in Tensor Formalism in Standard Representation %A Sylvestre Bulikunzira %J Asian Journal of Fuzzy and Applied Mathematics %D 2015 %X In previous works, Dirac equation for half-spin particle has been written in tensor form, through two isotropic vectors F=E+iH and F'=E'+iH', by using both the spinor and the standard representation of Dirac matrices. When we use the spinor representation of Dirac matrices, Dirac equation in tensor form takes the form of non-linear Maxwell's like equations for two electromagnetic fields (E,H) and (E',H'). By using the standard representation of Dirac matrices, Dirac equation takes another form different from that obtained by using the spinor representation of Dirac matrices. The solution of Dirac equation in tensor formalism for free particle, with the use of the spinor representation of Dirac matrices has been obtained in the previous work. In this work, we found the solution of Dirac equation in tensor formalism for free particle with the use of the standard representation of Dirac matrices %K [Dirac equation %K Tensor Form %K Standard Representation %K Solution.] %U https://www.ajouronline.com/index.php/AJFAM/article/view/2124