%0 Journal Article %T The Correlation between the levels of HbA1c with Ureum and Creatinine in Patient with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus %A Bagya Mujianto %A Karningsih Sudiro %A Rus Martini %A Tri Prasetyorini %J Asian Journal of Applied Sciences %D 2019 %R 10.24203/ajas.v7i5.5978 %X Introduction and Aims : Untransmitted diseases is the leading cause of death globally. Diabetes mellitus is one of the four priorities of untransmitted diseases. This disease is a chronic disease characterized by blood glucose levels that exceed normal values. High blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia) will cause various complications, one of which is chronic complications that can attack various organs such as eyes, kidneys, nerves and blood vessels. This study aims to find out the correlation between the results of the examination of HbA1c, urea and creatinine levels which is an indicator of complications of Chronic Kidney Failure in Type 2 DM patients.£¿Methods : This research is a survey research using cross-sectional study design. The respondents in this study are Type 2 DM patients who filled out the questionnaire and examined levels of HbA1c, ureum, and creatinine. Analysis of the data performed by using the SPEARMEN test SPSS for Windows 17.£¿Result : The result of the SPEARMEN analysis is p = 0,016 (p < 0.05) which means there is a relationship between the levels of HbA1c with age of respondent. Meanwhile, p = 0,84 (p>0,05) which means there is no relationship between HbA1c levels of type 2 DM with urea levels of type 2 DM patients. While, there is no relationship between HbA1c levels of type 2 DM with creatinine levels of type 2 DM with p = 0.693 (p > 0,05).£¿Conclusions : There is a correlation between HbA1c levels of type 2 diabetes mellitus with the age of the respondent, but there is no correlation between HbA1c levels of type 2 diabetes mellitus with ureum levels of type 2 diabetes mellitus and there is no correlation between HbA1c levels with Creatinine levels of £¿type 2 diabetes mellitus patients %K [Type 2 diabetes melittus %K Ureum %K Creatinine] %U https://www.ajouronline.com/index.php/AJAS/article/view/5978