%0 Journal Article %T On Intuitionistic Fuzzy G-Modules On GF(pn) %A Poonam K. Sharma %J Asian Journal of Fuzzy and Applied Mathematics %D 2016 %X In this paper, we have constructed an intuitionistic fuzzyG-module with level cardinality (n + 1) on the Galois eld GF(pn), andthen proved that innite many such intuitionistic fuzzy G-modules canbe constructed on it. We have also proved that each such intuitionisticfuzzy G-module, admits a sequence of k intuitionistic fuzzy G-submodules,where k is the number of divisors of n. Further, we have also discussedintuitionistic fuzzy noetherian G-module on GF(pn) %K [Galois eld %K intuitionistic fuzzy set %K intuitionistic fuzzy G-module %K intuitionistic fuzzy Galois G-module %K Ascending chain condition (A.C.C)] %U https://www.ajouronline.com/index.php/AJFAM/article/view/4080