%0 Journal Article %T 基于GD32F407及CL1606的多通道同步采集系统设计
Design of Multi-Channel Synchronous Acquisition System Based on GD32F407 and CL1606 %A 罗瑞 %A 徐涛 %A 卢少微 %A 马克明 %J Dynamical Systems and Control %P 41-52 %@ 2325-6761 %D 2021 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/DSC.2021.101005 %X
In response to the needs of synchronous acquisition of multi-channel resistance signals, an acquisition system using domestic single-chip GD32F407 as the main control chip and domestic CL1606 as an external analog data acquisition and conversion chip was designed, which can simultaneously acquire 48 channels of data. The resistance signal forms a weak voltage signal through the constant current source circuit, and then is amplified by the amplifying circuit and input into the A/D chip to be converted into a digital signal. GD32F407 receives the analysis and processing of the multi-channel conversion result and sends it to the master computer through the Ethernet port. At the same time, the data of each channel is saved to the SD card. The master computer is built with LabVIEW, which can simultaneously present the data changes of different channels in waveform form. Experimental verification shows that the designed scalable multi-channel acquisition system has a maximum error of less than 2%, which can meet the acquisition accuracy requirements of most applications.
%K 采集系统,电阻值,多通道同步采集,LabVIEW
Acquisition System %K Resistance Value %K Multi-Channel Synchronous Acquisition %K LabVIEW %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=39801