%0 Journal Article %T 汽油车典型工况下车内噪声特征分析研究
A Study on the Noise Characteristics of a Gasoline Vehicle under Typical Operating Conditions %A 李旭伟 %A 刘程 %A 杨东绩 %A 牛治慧 %J Open Journal of Acoustics and Vibration %P 1-9 %@ 2328-0522 %D 2021 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJAV.2021.91001 %X
This paper conducts an experimental study on the noise characteristics of a passenger car under three typical driving conditions: acceleration, constant speed and braking. We evaluate the noise characteristics of the vehicle in different driving conditions. First, a comparative analysis of the noise sound pressure level characteristics of different driver and occupant positions in the car under different working conditions shows that there are significant differences in the ear noise characteristics of the drivers and occupants in the car at different positions. Then, we perform frequency-domain post-processing analysis on the noise data in the vehicle obtained by the test, and obtain the time-frequency spectrum diagram of the noise in different driving positions in the vehicle. Fi-nally, the time-frequency diagram is analyzed to obtain the distribution law of noise sound pressure level in the vehicle. The research results in this paper provide references for the evaluation of car interior noise and the selection of optimal interior noise and vibration control methods.
%K 乘用车,行驶工况,车内噪声,驾乘人员,时域分析,频域分析
Passenger Cars %K Driving Conditions %K Noise in the Car %K Drivers and Passengers %K Time-Domain Analysis %K Time-Frequency Analysis %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=40778