%0 Journal Article %T Iron in Water: Study of Iron Removal Kinetics in Chemically Reconstituted Waters: Application to Groundwater of South Pout (PS2 Site) %A Faye Mamadou %A Sambe Falilou Mback¨¦ %A Diop El Hadji Moussa %A Toure Alpha Ousmane %A Mbaye Fall Aminata %A Diop Mar Codou Gu¨¨ye %J Open Journal of Metal %P 1-10 %@ 2164-277X %D 2021 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojmetal.2021.111001 %X The goal of this topic is a synthesis of the main characteristics of iron in groundwater and the oxidation process used to remove it. Indeed, the kinetics of chemical oxidation of iron (II) was examined with reconstituted water (distilled water + iron sulphate) and proceeded to the application in the groundwater samples taken from South Pout (Senegal) precisely in the drilling PS2. The sources of iron are natural or anthropogenic. In Senegalese waters, its content is variable and sometimes exceeds the standards of potability. Despite the diversification of iron removal process, chemical oxidation is the most used solution in drinking water treatment plants in Senegalese rural areas. Applied oxidation processes such as aeration and chlorination, however, are insufficient to produce drinking water with an iron concentration in accordance with standards of potability. %K Iron %K Kinetics %K Chemical Oxidation %K Groundwater %K Drilling %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=107941