%0 Journal Article %T Fourˋer coeffˋcˋents of a class of ETA quotˋents of weˋght 20 wˋth level 12 %A Barˋˋ Kendirli %J - %D 2015 %R 10.14419/ijams.v3i2.5247 %X Williams and later Yao, Xia and Jin discovered explicit formulas for the coefficients of the Fourier series expansions of a class of eta quotients. Williams expressed all coefficients of 126 eta quotients in terms of 考(n),考((n/2)),考((n/3)) and 考((n/6)) and Yao, Xia and Jin, following the method of proof of Williams, expressed only even coefficients of 104 eta quotients in terms of 考ˋ(n),考ˋ((n/2)),考ˋ((n/3)) and 考ˋ((n/6)).Here, we will express the even Fourier coefficients of 570 eta quotients in terms of 考ˋˋ(n),考ˋˋ((n/2)),考ˋˋ((n/3)),考ˋˋ((n/4)),考ˋˋ((n/6)) and 考ˋˋ((n/(12))). %U https://www.sciencepubco.com/index.php/IJAMS/article/view/5247