%0 Journal Article %T A note on fuzzy PS-ideals in PS-algebra and its level subsets %A Priya Thirugapillai %A Rama Chandran %J - %D 2014 %R 10.14419/ijams.v2i2.2390 %X In this paper, a new notion, named fuzzification of PS Algebra, which is a generalization of BCK/BCI/TM/BH/Q/d/KU-algebras, is introduced, along with PS-ideal and we have discussed some of their properties in detail. Keywords: PS-Algebra, PS-ideal, Fuzzy PS-Ideal, Level Subsets, PS-Subalgebra and Fuzzy PS-Subalgebra. %U https://www.sciencepubco.com/index.php/IJAMS/article/view/2390