%0 Journal Article %T Vertex and edge Co-PI indices of bridge graphs %A Sharmila Devi %A V. Kaladevi %J - %D 2016 %R 10.14419/ijams.v6i1.8398 %X The Co-PI index of a graph G is denoted by Co-PI(G) and is defined as Co-PI(G is the number of vertices of G whose distance to the vertex u is less than the distance to the vertex v in G. Similarly, the edge Co-PI index of G is defined as Co-PIe(G) is number of edges of G whose distance to the vertex u is less than the distance to the vertex v in G. In this paper, the upper bounds for the Co-PI and edge Co-PI indices of bridge graph are obtained. %U https://www.sciencepubco.com/index.php/IJAMS/article/view/8398