%0 Journal Article %T Enhanced approach for face detection and identifying human body proportionality using v-jones algorithm %A N Ramakrishnaiah %A S Laxman Kumar %A Santosh Patil %J - %D 2018 %R 10.14419/ijet.v7i4.14734 %X Manual analysis of pedestrians and crowds is often impractical for massive datasets of surveillance videos. Automatic tracking of humans is one of the essential abilities for computerized analysis of such videos. In this proposed work we use Viola jones method for detecting moving human object, next using same method we identify the Human anatomy body proportion to detect the whole human body. The final function is the skin color threshold using the HIS and YCbCr. The proposed method yields high accuracy, we conducted experimental analysis on different videos, achieved high accuracy in detecting human object moment. Several future enhancements can be made to the system. The detection and tracking of multiple people can be extended to real-time live video. Apart from the detection and tracking, process of recognition can also be done. %U https://www.sciencepubco.com/index.php/ijet/article/view/14734