%0 Journal Article %T Anxiety State and Its Comparison between Two Different Personality Types in Perspective of Unani Tib %A Farkhunda Jabin %J International Journal of Advanced Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy %D 2014 %I Cloud Publications %X Unani system of medicine or Tib is one of the Indian Systems of Medicine; it is based on the fundamentals given by Hippocrates, Galen and Ibne Sina. It has holistic approach to healing; it gives equal emphasis to patient¡¯s individuality (Temperament) and lifestyle factors. Temperament of the individual is the key concept in total diagnosis, prevention and treatment procedure. Each temperament is defined by peculiar personality traits and associated qualities. The purpose of the present study was to compare the anxiety state between Sanguinous/Damvi and Phlegmatic/ Balghami temperaments. The total hundred (50 Damvi and 50 Balghami temperament) males were selected for this study. The ages of the subjects were ranged between 25 to 35 years and their temperament was assessed based on Galen 10 parameters. The data on anxiety state of the subjects were obtained by using a questionnaire developed by Neary and Zuckerman (1976). The t test was used to determine the difference between the mean score of anxiety level between Damvi and Balghami temperaments. Results revealed that there was a significant difference between Damvi and Balghami temperaments at 0.05 level of significance with 98 degree of freedom. Study showed that Damvi temperament males have higher level of anxiety state as compared to Balghami temperament males. %K Temperament %K Balghami %K Damvi %K Anxiety %K Unani Tib %U http://medical.cloud-journals.com/index.php/IJAAYUSH/article/view/Med-147