%0 Journal Article %T The Program for Coping Methods to Improve Auditory Hallucinations Among Patients with Psychiatric Disorders: A Randomized Controlled Trial %J - %D 2018 %X Auditory hallucinations are hearing experiences that happen in the absenteeism of an external stimulus. When auditory hallucinations in the patients with a psychotic disorder happen, they affect their lives. Thankfully, many coping approaches that be used to challenge these voices and regain some control. Aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a training program on coping methods, to improve auditory hallucinations among patients with psychiatric disorders. A randomized control design was employed. Fifty patients were engaged. It was implemented at the inpatients of the Psychiatric Hospital in Beni-Suef, Egypt. A constructed interview schedule to collect data of socio-demographic, clinical characteristics, the Psychotic Symptom Rating Scales for Auditory Hallucination and Self-Management Strategies to Control the Auditory Hallucinations. The program contained 10 sessions. The means of cognitive, behavioral and physiological coping methods have increased among participants in the experimental group from before to follow up observations. The training program on coping methods was effective in improving auditory hallucinations among psychiatric patients. The most common was used behavioral coping methods. The nursing staff should apply training programs for patients with psychiatric disorders who suffer from auditory hallucinations and teach them how to use cognitive, behavioral and physical coping methods to deal with the hallucinations %K Auditory %K Coping %K Disorders %K Hallucinations %K Methods %K Psychiatric %U http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/paperinfo?journalid=152&doi=10.11648/j.ajns.20180706.20