%0 Journal Article %T Effect of Oleylamine Concentration and Operating Conditions on Ternary Nanocatalyst for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Using Response Surface Methodology %J American Journal of Chemical Engineering %@ 2330-8613 %D 2019 %X The Fe-Co-Ce nanocatalyst was synthesized by a solvothermal method and used in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. This paper represents a statistical analysis to illustrate the effects of oleylamine concentration and operating variables (temperature, pressure, inlet H2/CO molar ratio) on light olefin (C2=-C4=), paraffin (C1 + C2-C4) selectivity and CO conversion (catalyst activity) in a fixed bed micro reactor was done. In order to evaluate variable effects, analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied for modeling and optimization of goal products using response surface methodology (RSM). The result showed that by increasing both amine concentration and pressure at lower temperature and inlet H2/CO molar ratio, olefin selectivity and CO conversion rises, while paraffin selectivity reduces. Comparison of optimization results to maximum olefin selectivity and CO conversion and minimum paraffin selectivity for predicted and experimental data indicate a desirable agreement %K "Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis %K Response Surface Methodology %K Optimization %K Fe-Co-Ce Nanocatalyst %K Oleylamine Concentration %K Operating Conditions " %U http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/paperinfo?journalid=224&doi=10.11648/j.ajche.20190702.13