%0 Journal Article %T The Effect of an Educational Intervention About Disaster Preparedness on Knowledge and Attitudes of Technical Nursing Institute Intern-nurse Students %J - %D 2018 %X Disasters often result in significant impacts on people¡¯s health. Nurses play a central role in disaster preparedness and management. Nursing school has a vital role in preparing the future nurses with basic knowledge in disaster preparedness, response and recovery. The aim of the study is to evaluate the effect of an educational intervention about disaster preparedness on technical nursing institute intern- nurse students' knowledge and attitude. A quasi-experimental inquiry design was utilized with pre-test post-test and follow up. The study was accomplished at the Technical Nursing Institute, Zagazig University, Egypt. A convenience sample of 119 technical nursing institute intern- nurse students were enrolled in the study. Two tools were used for data collection self-administered questionnaire and attitudes scale. It appeared that, there were 18.5% of the considered subjects had adequate knowledge some time recently the program. Too there were as it was 19.3% of the examined subjects had positive attitude toward disaster preparedness at pre-test. There were advancement in knowledge and attitude of the members post program. It was concluded that, instructive intervention was effective in accomplishing noteworthy change in specialized nursing founded student¡¯ knowledge around disaster preparedness, which was showed in advancement and altering in their demeanours concerning disaster. Training programs are fundamental for all nursing undergraduate to prepare them to oversee their awareness around disaster preparation %K KAP %K Disaster Preparedness %K Nursing %K Students %U http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/paperinfo?journalid=152&doi=10.11648/j.ajns.20180706.22