%0 Journal Article %T Isolation and Identification of Enterobacteriaceae from Patients with Community Acquired Urinary Tract Infection %J American Journal of Health Research %@ 2330-8796 %D 2018 %X The study was carried out in red sea state during the period from November 2013 to March 2014 to investigate the Enterobacteriaceae from patients suffering from community-acquired urinary tract infections and then do sensitivity test for each of isolates. In this study out of 100 specimens 52 Enterobacteriaceae species were isolated from different clinics and hospitals in Port Sudan city. The specimens werecultured on CLED media ( cystinelactose electrolyte deficiency). identification was done by gram's stain and convential biochemical reactions. Then the anti¨Cmicrobial sensitivity tests were done as the follows: (Ampicillin-Sulbactam "AS", Co. trimoxazole "BA", Ceftizoxime "CI", Chloramphenicol "CH", Cephalaxin "PR", Tetracycline "TE", Ciprofloxacin "CP", Amikacin "AK", Sparfloxacin "SC", Gatifloxacin "GF", Norflaxcin "NX) by Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method. The study revealed that the most part of strains are sensitive to Chloramphenicol andAmikacin and resistant to Ampicillin ¨CSulpactam (AS). The identified Enterobacteriaceae were as follows; Escherichia coli 34 (65%), Klebsiella pneumonia 10 (19%), Klebsiella oxytoca 3(6%), Salmonella Para A 3 (6%), proteus mirabilis 1 (2%), Citrobacter 1 (2%) %K Enterobacteriaceae %K Urinary Tract Infections %K Escherichia coli %K Red SeaState %U http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/paperinfo?journalid=656&doi=10.11648/j.ajhr.20180601.14