%0 Journal Article %T Comparative oncology: Integrating human and veterinary medicine %A Bilal Ahmad Ganaie %A Faheem Sultan %J - %D 2018 %X Cancer constitutes the major health problem both in human and veterinary medicine. Comparative oncology as an integrative approach offers to learn more about naturally occurring cancers across different species. Canine models have many advantages as they experience spontaneous disease, have many genes similar to human genes, five to seven-fold accelerated ageing compared to humans, respond to treatments similarly as humans do and health care levels second only to humans. Also, the clinical trials in canines could generate more robust data, as their spontaneous nature mimics real-life situations and could be translated to humans. %K Canine %K Human %K Oncology %U https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ovj/article/view/166387