%0 Journal Article %T New research directions in the development of analytical chemistry %A Rema Matakova %J - %D 2016 %R https://doi.org/10.15328/cb680 %X The article shows that discovering nanoscale elements made it possible to synthesize new chemical compounds without chemical reaction and defined the basis of effective development of nanoanalytical chemistry in the past two decades. The article focuses on the prospective development of bioanalytical chemistry, based on reagentless sensory methods of analysis of biochemical processes to cure fast dangerous infections of the century. Unusual opportunity of development of £¿green£¿ chemistry in the direction of the analytical control of production and the environment, eliminating harmful emissions into the atmosphere through the use of unexpected properties of ionic liquids have been shown. %U https://bulletin.chemistry.kz/index.php/kaznu/article/view/680