%0 Journal Article %T From contextuality of a single photon to realism of an electromagnetic wave %J - %D 2019 %R https://doi.org/10.1038/s41534-018-0117-8 %X Violations of Bell inequalities have been an incontestable indicator of non-classicality since the seminal paper by John Bell. However, recent claims of Bell inequalities violations with classical light have cast some doubts on their significance as hallmarks of non-classicality. Here, we challenge those claims. The crux of the problem is that such classical experiments simulate quantum probabilities with intensities of classical fields. However, fields intensities measurements are radically different from single-photon detections, which are primitives of any genuine Bell experiment. We show that this fundamental difference between field intensities measurements and single photon detections shifts the classical bound of relevant Bell inequalities to its non-signaling limit, leaving no place for their violations %U https://www.nature.com/articles/s41534-018-0117-8