%0 Journal Article %T Monocytes Latently Infected with Human Cytomegalovirus Evade Neutrophil Killing %J - %D 2019 %R https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2019.01.007 %X £¿ Neutrophils can target HCMV latently infected monocytes for ADCC-mediated killing £¿ Killing of latently infected cells by neutrophils requires high E:T ratios £¿ Latent infection reduces secretion of the neutrophil chemoattractants S100A8/A9 £¿ Decreased S100A8/A9 secretion prevents neutrophil targeting of latently infected cell %U https://www.cell.com/iscience/fulltext/S2589-0042(19)30007-0