%0 Journal Article %T Power Flows in Compound Transmissions for Hybrid Vehicles %A Giacomo Mantriota %A Stefano De Pinto %J - %D 2019 %R https://doi.org/10.3390/machines7010019 %X Abstract Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) traction systems are the most promising technologies being characterized by high performance, high fuel efficiency, low emissions and long operating range. Significant improvements can be achieved equipping transmissions with variable transmission ratio such as power-split transmission and a compound power-split electric continuously variable transmission (eCVT). These systems have been introduced to improve vehicle global efficiency since they can maximize the efficiency in different operating conditions. Optimal design and control of these systems leads improvements in vehicles performance and mathematical models, which support the preliminary design phase, can play a key role in this field. In this work, the internal power circulations of ˇ°four-port-mechanical-power split device are determined through a dynamic analysis.ˇ± Finally, the efficiency of the compound transmission is analytically evaluated, assuming that the overall losses are linked to the eCVT variator. View Full-Tex %K electric continuously variable transmission %K power-split hybrid transmission %K compound split transmission %U https://www.mdpi.com/2075-1702/7/1/19