%0 Journal Article %T An Expectation¨CMaximization-Based IVA Algorithm for Speech Source Separation Using Student¡¯s t Mixture Model Based Source Priors %A Ali Imam Sunny %A Jonathon Chambers %A Waqas Rafique %J - %D 2019 %R https://doi.org/10.3390/acoustics1010009 %X Abstract The performance of the independent vector analysis (IVA) algorithm depends on the choice of the source prior to better model the speech signals as it employs a multivariate source prior to retain the dependency between frequency bins of each source. Identical source priors are frequently used for the IVA methods; however, different speech sources will generally have different statistical properties. In this work, instead of identical source priors, a novel Student¡¯s t mixture model based source prior is introduced for the IVA algorithm that can adapt to the statistical properties of different speech sources and thereby enhance the separation performance of the IVA algorithm. The unknown parameters of the source prior and unmixing matrices are estimated together by deriving an efficient expectation maximization (EM) algorithm. Useful improvement in the separation performance in different realistic scenarios is confirmed by experimental studies on real datasets. View Full-Tex %K blind source separation %K student¡¯s t mixture model %K independent vector analysis %K real room impulse responses %U https://www.mdpi.com/2624-599X/1/1/9