%0 Journal Article %T Dynamic Tissue Rearrangements during Vertebrate Eye Morphogenesis: Insights from Fish Models %A Florencia Cavodeassi %J - %D 2018 %R https://doi.org/10.3390/jdb6010004 %X Abstract Over the last thirty years, fish models, such as the zebrafish and medaka, have become essential to pursue developmental studies and model human disease. Community efforts have led to the generation of wide collections of mutants, a complete sequence of their genomes, and the development of sophisticated genetic tools, enabling the manipulation of gene activity and labelling and tracking of specific groups of cells during embryonic development. When combined with the accessibility and optical clarity of fish embryos, these approaches have made of them an unbeatable model to monitor developmental processes in vivo and in real time. Over the last few years, live-imaging studies in fish have provided fascinating insights into tissue morphogenesis and organogenesis. This review will illustrate the advantages of fish models to pursue morphogenetic studies by highlighting the findings that, in the last decade, have transformed our understanding of eye morphogenesis. View Full-Tex %K live-imaging %K eye %K morphogenesis %U https://www.mdpi.com/2221-3759/6/1/4