%0 Journal Article %T Plasma Treatment of Ovarian Cancer Cells Mitigates Their Immuno-Modulatory Products Active on THP-1 Monocytes %A Alexander Mustea %A Can Pascal Wulf %A Dominique Koensgen %A Eric Freund %A Klaus-Dieter Weltmann %A Matthias B. Stope %A Sander Bekeschus %J - %D 2018 %R https://doi.org/10.3390/plasma1010018 %X Abstract Cancers modulate their microenvironment to favor their growth. In particular, monocytes and macrophages are targeted by immuno-modulatory molecules installed by adjacent tumor cells such as ovarian carcinomas. Cold physical plasma has recently gained attention as innovative tumor therapy. We confirmed this for the OVCAR-3 and SKOV-3 ovarian cancer cell lines in a caspase 3/7 independent and dependent manner, respectively. To elaborate whether plasma exposure interferes with their immunomodulatory properties, supernatants of control and plasma-treated tumor cells were added to human THP-1 monocyte cultures. In the latter, modest effects on intracellular oxidation or short-term metabolic activity were observed. By contrast, supernatants of plasma-treated cancer cells abrogated significant changes in morphological and phenotypic features of THP-1 cells compared to those cultured with supernatants of non-treated tumor cell counterparts. This included cell motility and morphology, and modulated expression patterns of nine cell surface markers known to be involved in monocyte activation. This was particularly pronounced in SKOV-3 cells. Further analysis of tumor cell supernatants indicated roles of small particles and interleukin 8 and 18, with MCP1 presumably driving activation in monocytes. Altogether, our results suggest plasma treatment to alleviate immunomodulatory secretory products of ovarian cancer cells is important for driving a distinct myeloid cell phenotype. View Full-Tex %K kINPen %K plasma medicine %K tumor immunology %K ovarian cancer %U https://www.mdpi.com/2571-6182/1/1/18