%0 Journal Article %T Some New Fractional Trapezium-Type Inequalities for Preinvex Functions %A Artion Kashuri %A Erhan Set %A Rozana Liko %J - %D 2019 %R https://doi.org/10.3390/fractalfract3010012 %X Abstract In this paper, authors the present the discovery of an interesting identity regarding trapezium-type integral inequalities. By using the lemma as an auxiliary result, some new estimates with respect to trapezium-type integral inequalities via general fractional integrals are obtained. It is pointed out that some new special cases can be deduced from the main results. Some applications regarding special means for different real numbers are provided as well. The ideas and techniques described in this paper may stimulate further research. View Full-Tex %K trapezium-type integral inequalities %K preinvexity %K general fractional integrals %U https://www.mdpi.com/2504-3110/3/1/12