%0 Journal Article %T Dr Oen Boen Ing Patriot doctor, social activist, and doctor of the poor %A Ravando Lie %J - %D 2017 %R http://dx.doi.org/10.17510/wacana.v18i2.592 %X This article examines the efforts and achievements of Oen Boen Ing, a Tionghoa doctor, to improve the quality of health of the poorer inhabitants of Surakarta. Dr Oen played an important role in five different periods: Dutch colonialism, the Japanese occupation, the Indonesian revolution, Soekarno¡¯s regime, and Suharto¡¯s New Order. Known for being a benevolent doctor, activist, and patriot of the revolution during his life-time, Dr Oen also gave medical assistance to the needy, which famously earned him the accolade of ¡°doctor of the poor¡±. During the Indonesian revolution, Dr Oen assisted the Student Soldiers (Tentara Pelajar) and afterwards was appointed the member of Supreme Advisory Council (Dewan Pertimbangan Agung/DPA) by Soekarno in 1949. As a benevolent doctor and activist, Dr Oen is remembered for founding the Panti Kosala Hospital which was renamed to perpetuate his name on 30 October 1983, exactly a year after his passing. When he died, thousands of peoples gathered to pay their final respects to the doctor. He was honoured with a ceremony conducted in the Mangkunegaran Palace. Dr Oen¡¯s name will be eternally respected, especially in Surakarta %K Oen Boen Ing %K social doctor %K Tionghoa %K Mangkunegaran %K Panti Kosala. %U http://wacana.ui.ac.id/index.php/wjhi/article/view/592