%0 Journal Article %T PENGARUH PEMINDAHAN KAWASAN PERKANTORAN PEMERINTAH KABUPATEN BOYOLALI TERHADAP PERKEMBANGAN PERKOTAAN BOYOLALI %A Bakti Setiawan %A Fitria Nur Rohmah %J - %D 2018 %R https://doi.org/10.22146/teknosains.37634 https://doi.org/10.22146/teknosains.37634 %X The goal of movement was to improve the service through placing the governmental office area in one integrated location. Furthermore for spatial context it would be highly expected to be the instrument of urban development as well as to trigger the establishment in the expansion area. According to Urban Spatial Detailed Planning (RDTR) of Boyolali Year 2012 ¨C 2032, the new location was the expansion of Boyolali City which included part of Mojosongo Dictrict covering Kemiri Sub-district, Mojosongo Sub-District and Kragilan Village. Those mentioned administrative regions were capable to be developed. This research aimed to identify the movement impact of governmental office area towards the development of Boyolali urban area. The methodologies being used in this study were deductive quantitative with the comparison between the condition of former and current governmental office area. The analysis was conducted with quantitative descriptive method and spatial descriptive. This study proved that the movement of governmental office area gave the impact in developing the urban area. The impact began with the land-use change from agriculture turning into the settlement, trade and service, and industrial areas, also gave the transformation for the accessibility improvement such as the addition of road network and the increment of land price. The result of analysis towards existing land-use in 2018 with land-use zonation according to RDTR Boyolali Urban Area 2012-2032 (map zonation and text) found out that there was deviation in the usage of green open space and industrial area. That issue showed that the urban development should have been included the instrumental implementation in case of controlling the space utilization for liveable city %K Office area relocation %K Urban development %K Liveable city %U https://jurnal.ugm.ac.id/teknosains/article/view/37634