%0 Journal Article %T Michel William Balfe y The Bohemian Girl, rese£¿a %J - %D 2019 %R http://dx.doi.org/10.13135/1594-378X/3061 %X This work by Juli¨¢n Jes¨²s P¨¦rez allows us to approach the Irish composer Michael William Balfe, rather little known among the Spanish-speaking public not specialized in opera. The names that the general public knows are, naturally, Verdi, Wagner, and Mozart. However, Balfe should enjoy more prestige in Spain, because his great work, The Bohemian Girl, drinks directly from a Spanish source, the exemplary novel La gitanilla, by Miguel de Cervantes. Este trabajo de Juli¨¢n Jes¨²s P¨¦rez nos permite aproximarnos al compositor irland¨¦s Michael William Balfe, m¨¢s bien poco conocido entre el p¨²blico de habla hispana no especializado en ¨®pera. Los nombres que el gran p¨²blico conoce son, naturalmente, Verdi, Wagner, y Mozart. Sin embargo, Balfe deber¨ªa gozar de m¨¢s predicamento en Espa£¿a, pues su gran obra, The Bohemian Girl, bebe directamente de una fuente espa£¿ola, la novela ejemplar La gitanilla, de Miguel de Cervantes %U http://www.ojs.unito.it/index.php/artifara/article/view/3061