%0 Journal Article %T Recensione di ¨¢ngeles Do£¿ate, El alma de la radio %J - %D 2018 %R http://dx.doi.org/10.13135/1594-378X/2796 %X The new novel by ¨¢ngeles Do£¿ate, El alma de la radio, is not a good result in terms of writing style and plot architecture. Still, the book is an interesting work between literature and history. Through the story of a radio speaker, Aurora, and her audience, the author allows us to throw a bit of a glance at the complexe Spanish society and politics right after the end of Franco's dictatorship. At the same time, ¨¢ngeles Do£¿ate portraits the peculiar reality of the radio and the role played by women in its context, which can reflect some socio-cultural processes faced by the whole Spanish nation %U http://www.ojs.unito.it/index.php/artifara/article/view/2796