%0 Journal Article %T JAMDER: JADE to MULTI-Agent Systems Development Resource %A Enyo Jos¨¦ TAVARES GON£¿ALVES %A Mariela I. CORT¨¦S %A Robson OLIVEIRA %A Yrleyjander S. LOPES %J - %D 2018 %R http://dx.doi.org/10.14201/ADCAIJ2018736398 %X The semantic gap is distinguished by the difference between two descriptions generated using different representations. This difference has a negative impact on the developer productivity and probably, the quality of the written code. In software development context, the coding phase aims at coding the system consistent with the detailed project developed with a group of designed models. This paper presents an endeavor to consolidate different agent type definitions and implementation concepts for Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) involving the adaptation of the JADE framework regarding the theoretical concepts in MAS. Additionally, it contains a standardization of code generation. The main benefit of the proposed extension is to include the agent internal architectures, entities and relationships in an implementation framework and increase the productivity by code generation, ensuring the consistency between design and code. The applicability of the extension is illustrated by developing a multi-agent system for Moodle %K Multi-Agent Systems %K Framework %K TAO metamodel %K JADE %K Model-Driven Architecture. %U http://campus.usal.es/~revistas_trabajo/index.php/2255-2863/article/view/ADCAIJ2018736398