%0 Journal Article %T Accuracy of Digital Surface Models derived from archival aerial photographs. Case study for the Czech Republic. %A Jan Pacina %A Jan Popelka %J - %D 2017 %R https://doi.org/10.14311/gi.16.1.3 %X The archival aerial photographs are widely used for landscape change analysis, settlement identification or georelief reconstructions. The large archive of old aerial photographs is available for the whole Czech Republic and these data are often used by scientists, historians, students, etc. The quality of the datasets (orthophoto, digital surface models) resulting from archival aerial images processing is crucial for the ongoing analyses. The accuracy test of digital surface models derived from archival aerial images origintaing from 1938 and 1953 is presented within this paper. These two timelines were chosen because they preserve the landscape structure in the begining of the heavy indudstrialization of the Czech Republic %K archival aerial photographs %K digital surface models %K accuracy test %U https://ojs.cvut.cz/ojs/index.php/gi/article/view/gi.16.1.3