%0 Journal Article %T Quantifying cardiorespiratory thorax movement with motion capture and deconvolution %A Bernhard Penzlin %A Christoph Hoog Antink %A David Hejj %A Marian Walter %A Steffen Leonhardt %J - %D 2017 %X Unobtrusive sensing is a growing aspect in the field of biomedical engineering. While many modalities exist, a large fraction of methods ultimately relies on the analysis of thoracic movement. To quantify cardiorespiratory induced thorax movement with spatial resolution, an approach using high-performance motion capture, electrocardiography and deconvolution is presented. In three healthy adults, motion amplitudes are estimated that correspond to values reported in the literature. Moreover, two-dimensional mappings are created that exhibit physiological meaningful relationships. Finally, the analysis of waveform data obtained via deconvolution shows plausible pulse transit behavior %K cardiorespiratory movement %K motion capture %K deconvolution %K biosignal processing %K unobtrusive sensing %U https://ojs.cvut.cz/ojs/index.php/CTJ/article/view/4761