%0 Journal Article %T CONTROL SYSTEM OF STEEL BATTERY CHARGER %A Dejan Miti£¿ %A Dragan Anti£¿ %A Marko £¿ivkovi£¿ %A Nikola Dankovi£¿ %A Stanko Stankov %A Zoran Ici£¿ %J - %D 2017 %X A practical realization of control of a diode¨Cthyristor bridge is provided in this paper. The proposed control logic is applied to an NiCd accumulator charger. These accumulators are used for power supply of electrical devices and equipment in CFR locomotives. The control system provides a regular mode of NiCd accumulators charging and discharging, and, in this way, their long lifespan. A hardware configuration and a control algorithm for efficient NiCd accumulator charging and preventing overcharging and overheating are provided %K steel accumulator %K charger %K control logic %K thyristor %K ignition angle %U http://casopisi.junis.ni.ac.rs/index.php/FUAutContRob/article/view/3358