%0 Journal Article %T Brackish-water polychaetes, good descriptors of environmental changes in space and time %A A. Giangrande %A M.F. Gravina %J - %D 2015 %R DOI Code: 10.1285/i1825229Xv9n1p42 %X 1 - The aim of this study is to review the knowledge on the distribution of soft bottoms polychaete assemblage in Mediterranean brackish-waters. 2 - The Polychaete distribution of several biotopes located along the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic coast, which has been the object of authors¡¯ past studies, is reported and discussed. 3 -Polychaete species composition was used to identify patterns of distribution inside the same biotope and among different biotopes, as well as changes in time in the same biotope. 4 - Polychaetes was revealed good descriptors of biotope characteristics, reflecting a pattern similar to that arising from the examination of the entire benthic community. 5 - We propose the use of polychaete assemblage fearures in assessing the ecological quality status of brackish-water bodies. For this purpose a general model of species distribution is given %K Polychates %K brachishwaters %K ecological indicators %K organic enrichment %K salinity %K Mediterranean sea %U http://siba-ese.unisalento.it/index.php/twb/article/view/15388