%0 Journal Article %T Resistance and resilience of ecosystem descriptors and properties to dystrophic events: a study case in a Mediterranean lagoon %A A. Basset %A A. Specchiulli %A E. Barbone %A F. Vignes %A I. Rosati %A M. Pinna %A M. Renzi %A N. Ungaro %A P. Breber %A R. DĄŻAdamo %A S. Focardi %J - %D 2013 %R DOI Code: 10.1285/i1825229Xv7n1p1 %K Dystrophic crisis %K Ecosystem abiotic and biotic components %K Resistance %K Resilience %K Lesina lagoon %U http://siba-ese.unisalento.it/index.php/twb/article/view/12804