%0 Journal Article %T The Italian Long-Term Ecosystem Research (LTER-Italy) network: results, opportunities, and challenges for coastal transitional ecosystems %A A. Lugli¨¨ %A A. Petrocelli %A A. Pugnetti %A A. Sfriso %A B.M. Padedda %A C. Facca %A C. Munari %A C.T. Satta %A D. Tagliapietra %A E. Camatti %A E. Cecere %A E. Keppel %A F. Acri %A F. Bernardi Aubry %A F. Pranovi %A M. Mistri %A M. Sigovini %A N. Sechi %A P. Franzoi %A P. Torricelli %A S. Pulina %J - %D 2013 %R DOI Code: 10.1285/i1825229Xv7n1p43 %X 1 - The Long-Term Ecosystem Research (LTER) network, now a global reality, was founded on a combination of long-term ecological studies, short-term experiments, and comparisons among sites and eco-domains. 2 - The LTER-Italy network was officially established as a formal member of the LTER international network in 2006, following a wider on-going process in Europe; it currently consists of 22 sites representing the main ecosystem typologies of Italy. Four coastal transitional ecosystem sites are included in the LTER-Italy network: on the northern Peninsula, these include the Venice Lagoon and the lagoons of the Po River Delta, which are characterized by a temperate climate and the influence of tides; and in the southern sector, these include the coastal ecosystems of Sardinia and the Mar Piccolo of Taranto, which are characterized by a Mediterranean climate and the absence of sensible tides. 3 - In this paper, we present and discuss three main issues: (1) the LTER-International and LTER-Europe context, emphasising the most practical issues and activities that must be addressed for the effective organization and maintenance of LTER networks; (2) the history, structure, and perspectives of the national LTER-Italy network; and (3) the opportunities, strengths, and weaknesses related to participation of the LTER-Italy network in the study of coastal transitional ecosystems %K LTER-Italy %K coastal transitional ecosystems %K Venice Lagoon %K Po River Delta %K Sardinia costal ecosystems %K Mar Piccolo of Taranto %U http://siba-ese.unisalento.it/index.php/twb/article/view/12807