%0 Journal Article %T Evaluation of Seljuk and Ottoman cuisine in terms of gastronomy %A Y£¿lmaz Se£¿im %J - %D 2018 %X Every society reflects its culture to its food. The fact that the Turkish society is in the long history of history has made it possible to create its own food culture. Turks are knowledgeable about food preservation and table variety, especially because they are a warrior community. When this information is examined in a historical process, it is seen that it is influenced by regional change, religious belief and war. As a result of these changes, it can be said that Turkish cuisine is among the richest cuisines of the world. Gastronomy tourism has made a rapid development especially in the last 20 years. Turkey is one of the leading countries in tourism is also working to get its share of the gastronomic tourism needs. Food festivals are at the beginning of these studies. Local tasting activities are being organized for incoming domestic and foreign tourists. However, it seems that these activities are not at a sufficient level. Apart from food tastings, Turkish culinary must be introduced to the foreground by introducing it to the instruments and equipment belonging to the culturally. In this study, it was aimed to determine the value of gastronomic tourism by examining the food and culture relation of the Seljuk and Ottoman states which have important places in the daily Turkish culinary culture. In addition, it is another purpose of the study to contribute to refreshing the cultural memory by uncovering the forgotten Turkish cuisine culture in this process. It is considered that the richness of the Turkish cuisine will be reflected better by the revitalization of the forgotten food and kitchen application %K T¨¹rk Mutfa£¿£¿ %K Gastronomi %K Osmanl£¿ Mutfa£¿£¿ %U http://dergipark.org.tr/jttr/issue/37164/452330