%0 Journal Article %T Geography of OBOR Attempt %A B¨¹LENT G¨¹NER %J - %D 2018 %X OBOR attempt has manifested the force of Chinese geopolitics and geoeconomics. OBOR is a project where China places in its center and also involves Asia, Europe, Middle East and partly the Africa. Transportation networks, telecommunication, energy networks with the international integration are aimed at this project. OBOR attempt has pretty large territorial limits. It covers 69 member countries, 65% of the world population, 42% of the world¡¯s GDP, 75% of the energy reserves known, 40% of the square measure of lands of the world. China has planned the attempt to bring into force in 2049 when will be the 100th year of the foundation of PRC by completing the infrastructure investments within 30-35 years. Much as completing the project has extended over a period, China targets to reach $2,5 trillion of annual trade volume among OBOR countries within ten years. OBOR must not be seen as just composed of the infrastructure projects. It is observed that the attempt is going to turn into an international integration by the adaptation in commercial law, establishing free trade areas, and the customs treatises. This paper aims to analyze OBOR attempt that is the subject of the geographical location of the developing processes %K Jeopolitik %K Jeoekonomi %K Co£¿rafya %K £¿in %K OBOR %U http://dergipark.org.tr/marucog/issue/34834/386165